template event
Language Linking Business Thinking

Friday 16 November 2018

Event Details
The Music Box (Edinburgh College)
Sighthill Campus
Bankhead Ave
EH11 4DE


In line with Scottish Government DYW Recommendation 14, this key conference will demonstrate innovative approaches to building the bridge between employers and all sectors of education. We will:

(1) highlight to delegates the role of languages in the creation of an outward-looking labour market, based on current effective partnerships; and

(2) present employability resources developed by an international group of careers advisers. You will also hear from industry experts in the service and STEM industries respectively.

Who should attend

• Staff with responsibility for careers information, advice and guidance in colleges, universities and schools
• Language Lecturers
• DYW Officers in schools,
• DYW representatives from local authorities


• Highlight the role of languages as an employability tool
• Demonstrate the role of languages as a means of increasing Scotland's international profile
• Present a toolkit for use by DYW officers and careers advisers for linking languages and business
• Present a resource developed by an international consortium for careers advisers to use for workshops with language graduates or young people considering studying languages at college or university