Developing your own capacity through Mindfulness – an experiential introduction
Monday 3 April 2017
0930-1000Registration and Coffee
1000-1015Welcome and Introductions [More Info]
Sandy MacLean, Advisor, College Development Network
1015-1115Setting the Context Through Mindfulness Meditation Practice [More Info]
Sandy MacLean, Advisor, College Development Network
During this experiential session Sandy will explore the concept of mindfulness and its origins, what it is and what it isn’t and the difference between mindfulness and mindlessness. Throughout the session participants will be guided through a series of brief mindfulness meditation practices and facilitated feedback. In addition Sandy will give an overview of the advances in neuroscience and the psychology leading to a strong evidence base and the resulting ‘explosion’ in mindfulness based practices across a wide range of professional settings, including education.
1115-1130Coffee and Refreshments
1130-1215The Application of Mindfulness in the Workplace [More Info]
During this session there will be the opportunity to explore the practical application of mindfulness in the workplace and the benefits it can bring to self, others and organizations. This will be exemplified through case studies.
1215-1230Do You Want To Know More [More Info]
Participants will be signposted to further information and resources.
1230-1300Close and Lunch