Guidance Annual Conference - The Learner Journey
Guidance Annual Conference - The Learner Journey
Tuesday 13 June
0930-1000Registration and Coffee
1000-1010Welcome [More Info]
Jim Metcalfe, Chief Executive Officer, College Development Network
1010-1115Learner Journey Review [More Info]
Paul Smart, Deputy Director, Advanced Learning and Science Directorate, Scottish Government
Shona Struthers, Chief Executive, Colleges Scotland
1115-1130Coffee Break
1130-1200Commission for Fair Access- what does it mean for colleges? [More Info]
Kenny Anderson, Director, SWAP West
How Good are Our College Services to Support Learning? [More Info]
Dr John Laird, Education Scotland
Getting In, Getting Out: - Principles of Good Transition [More Info]
Scott Read, Development Officer, ARC Scotland
1200-1230Commission for Fair Access- what does it mean for colleges? [More Info]
Kenny Anderson, Director, SWAP West
How Good are Our College Services to Support Learning? [More Info]
Scott Read, Development Officer, ARC Scotland
Getting In, Getting Out: - Principles of Good Transition [More Info]
Dr John Laird, Education Scotland
1315-1345Developing Staff Resilience: Practising Mindfulness [More Info]
Sandy MacLean, Advisor, College Development Network
1345-1445Developing Student Resilience: Why do some students take things in their stride and others don’t? [More Info]
Sara Ebbett, Senior Learner Support Manager , Open University
1445-1500Round-up and vote of thanks